一次加工特性 | 籽粒物理品質 | 容重、千粒重 | GB/T 5498-85 GB 5519-88 |
籽粒硬度 |
| ICC No.202(NIR) AACC 39-70A Wheat hardness as determined by near-infrared reflectance 近紅外反射法測定小麥硬度
| ||
角質率 | GB/T 5493 |
| ||
磨粉品質 | 出粉率 |
| |
灰分 | GB 5505-85 | AACC 08-01 Ash-basic method 灰分測定-常規法 ICC No.104/1 Determination of Ash in Cereals and Cereal Products 谷物及其制品中灰分的測定 | ||
蛋白質品質 | 蛋白質含量 | GB/T 5511-85 | AACC 39-11 Near-infrared reflectance method for Protein-wheat flour 近紅外反射法測小麥面粉蛋白質含量
AACC 39-10 Near-infrared reflectance method for Protein determination 近紅外反射法測蛋白質含量
AACC 39-25 Near-infrared method for Protein content in whole-grain wheat 近紅外反射法測小麥整籽粒蛋白質含量
ICC No.105/2 Determination of Crude Protein in Cereals and Cereal Products for Food and for Feed 谷物及其制品中粗蛋白含量的測定
ICC No. 159 Determination of Protein by Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy 近紅外蛋白質測定法 | |
小麥蛋白質組成與特性 |
| ||
面筋含量 | GB/T 5506 GB/T 14608 洗面筋儀及水洗法 | AACC 38-10 Gluten-hand washing method 面筋含量的測定-手洗法
AACC 38-12 wet gluten and gluten index 濕面筋含量和面筋指數的測定
ICC No.137/1 Mechanical Determination of the Wet Gluten Content of Wheat Flour 機械法-小麥面粉中濕面筋含量測定
ICC No.155 Determination of Wet Gluten Quantity and Quality (Gluten Index ac. To Perten) of Whole Wheat Meal and Wheat Flour (Triticum aestivum) 全麥粉及小麥面粉的濕面筋含量與質量測定 | ||
沉淀值 |
| AACC 56-60 sedimentation test for flour 面粉沉淀值的測定
AACC 56-61A sedimentation test for wheat 小麥沉淀值的測定
ICC No. 116/1 Determination of the Sedimentation Value(according to Zeleny) as an Approximate Measure of Baking Quality 用于評價烘焙質量的沉淀值(澤倫尼法)測定法
ICC No.118 Preparation of Test Flour from Wheat Samples for Sedimentation Test沉淀值測定用粉的準備 | ||
二次加工特性 | 面團流變學特性 | 粉質參數(吸水率、形成時間、穩定時間、弱化度、評價值) | GB/T 14614-93 粉質儀法 | ISO 5530-1-1988 AACC 54-21 Farinograph method for flour 面粉粉質特性的測定 |
拉伸參數(延伸性、拉伸阻力、拉伸能量、拉伸比值) | GB/T 14615-93 拉伸儀法 | ISO 5530-2-1988 AACC 54-10 Extensigraph method, general 拉伸特性的一般測定法 | ||
吹泡儀(面團韌性、曲線面積、曲線長度) |
| ISO5530/4 ICC No.121 AACC 54-30/A | ||
淀粉酶活性 | 降落數值
攪拌值 | GB/T 10361-89 降落數值儀 | ISO 3093-1982 AACC 56-81B falling number determination 降落數值的測定
ICC No.107/1 Determination of the “Falling Number” according to Hagberg Petern as a Measure of the Degree of Alpha-Amylase Activity I Grain and Flour Hagberg Perten “降落數值”測定法,用以衡量籽粒和面粉中的α-淀粉酶活性。
ICC No. 161 Determination of the “Stirring Number” using the Newport Rapid of Visco Analyser, as a measure of the degree of alpha-amylase activity in grain and flour 快速粘度測定儀(Newport RVA)的“攪拌值”測定,用以衡量籽粒及面粉中α-淀粉酶活性 | |
淀粉糊化特性 | 糊化特性 | GB/T 14490-93 粘度儀法 | AACC 76-21 General pasting method for wheat or rye flour using the rapid visco analyzer 利用快速拈度分析儀測小麥或黑麥糊化特性的一般方法 | |
膨脹勢 |